rf-amplifier system 50-100 MHz / 100 kW / cw / type: KB/SVS-100/100-C
for linear accelerator with IH-structure (SchweIN)
Technische Universität München / Physikdepartment

rf-amplifier system 90-180 MHz / 50 kW / cw / type: KB/SVS-180/50-C
for linear accelerator with IH-structure (2f-SchweIN)
Technische Universität München / Physikdepartment

rf-amplifier systems 90-110 MHz / 2x50 kW / cw / type: KB/SVS-110/50-C
for linear accelerator with IH-structures
University of Kopenhagen / Niels Bohr Institut

amplifier supply systems / 2x140 kW / type: KB/H-14/10-S
for heavy ion synchrotron SIS
GSI (Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung) - Darmstadt

amplifier supply systems / 2x72 kW / type: KB/H-8/9-S
for stortage ring with electron cooling ESR
GSI (Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung) - Darmstadt

rf-amplifier systems 101 MHz / 2x400 kW / pulse / type: KB/SVS-101/350-P
for linear accelerator with RFQ- and IH-structures (Linac 3)
CERN - Genf

rf-amplifier systems 80-125 MHz / 2x25 kW / cw / type: KB/SVS-125/20-C
for linear accelerator with RFQ-structures
HMI (Hahn-Meitner-Institut) - Berlin

rf-amplifier systems 101 MHz / 5x100 kW / pulse / type: KB/SVS-101/100-P
for linear accelerator with RFQ-, IH- und spiral-structures
Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik - Heidelberg
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität - Munich
CERN - Genf

rf-amplifier system 202 MHz / 100 kW / pulse / type: KB/SVS-202/100-P
for linear accelerator with IH-structure
Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik - Heidelberg
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität - Munich
CERN - Genf

rf-final stage 217 MHz / 1,4 MW / pulse / type: KB/FS-217/1400-P-GH60
for linear accelerator with IH-strukture
GSI (Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung) - Darmstadt
HIT (Heidelberger Ionenstrahl-Therapie) - Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg

rf-amplifier system 72 MHz / 150 kW / cw / type: KB/SVS-72/150-C
for cyclotron
PSI (Paul Scherrer Institut) - Zürich / Villigen

rf-amplifier system 72 MHz / 150 kW / cw / type: KB/SVS-72/150-CK
for cyclotron
RPTC (Rinecker Proton Therapy Center) - Munich

rf-transistor-balance-amplifier 0,1-2 MHz / ± 400V at 100pF / type: KB/TBV-1,5/400
for Shiptrap
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität - Munich / Sektion Physik